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VKS for Consumer Goods

Provide the best customer experience for the end user and improve brand loyalty.

Adapt to changing consumer demands with VKS digital work instructions.


Differentiating your product from the competition is the first priority when it comes to overcoming top consumer goods industry challenges. Walk into any store and you’ll notice an endless amount of options for the same type of product. While the increase in subscription- based services is alleviating the stress-bound minds of shoppers, it’s also contributing towards a reduction in shoppers’ willingness to try new brands. New launches take a while to roll out and innovation cycles are long.

To be successful in a sea of competitors, it’s vital for consumer products companies to reduce costs, while still continuing to retain top-notch quality. But how is this possible? In every study performed, VKS visual work instructions show superior results in productivity and efficiency than paper-based standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Converting paper work instructions into a digital format helps employees achieve stronger results by providing them with a solid foundation to continuously learn and improve. Employee on-boarding is streamlined as a result as well. Once operators are shown how to use the intuitive VKS software one time, they are then able to pick up any new production line process and begin achieving the targeted production goals straightaway.


Decades ago, shopping was as simple as browsing the aisles of the nearest store and buying on impulse. Nowadays, modern-day consumers prefer taking their time by browsing and comparing online. On top of changing shopping patterns, consumers also favor smaller and newer brands. It’s vital for CPG companies to stay one step ahead of shopping trends by re- orienting production towards this new wave of shoppers.

With VKS, gone are the days of spending valuable time re-writing and printing complicated SOPs that are often overlooked. Today, buyers change their minds fast. Consumer goods companies need to have the flexibility to transition from making one product to another in a short period of time. Handling machine changeover is as simple as duplicating a step-by-step work instruction guidebook and changing a single detail in the operation procedure.

On top of increasing productivity and efficiency, the use of VKS work instructions also bolster confidence on the shop floor. Whereas traditional SOPs are often filled with incomprehensible corrections and changes, VKS Guidebooks are clear and easy to understand. Any supporting files — from PDFs all the way to text files, audio, videos, images, and more— make following the on-screen instructions an intuitive process.


On top of adapting to changing shopping trends, it’s also just as important for consumer goods companies to be able to adapt to changing regulations with speed and ease. Global regulations are dynamic and as operating margins continue to shrink, it’s now more important than ever to face the challenge of managing non-conformances and mitigating operational risks.

With the VKS Approval process, quality is assured from the start as all created guidebooks have the potential to be enabled to require approval before being made available to employees on the shop floor. More than anything, the biggest advantage comes in the form of the benefit of collecting data at every step of the way.

The VKS software solution provides numerous ways of tracking vital data, such as through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), control charts, forms, and more. Full traceability also ensures maximum root-cause analysis as specific orders, batch numbers, part numbers and more are re-traceable in the event of recalls or defects. All data and feedback is collected with VKS Forms through pre-production checklists, in-process, and final inspection checklists.

Recommended Suite | VKS Pro

  • Improve supply chain management.

    Improve supply chain management.

  • Stay ahead of changing consumer demands.

    Stay ahead of changing consumer demands.

  • Track & trace the entire manufacturing process.

    Track & trace the entire manufacturing process.

Key Features

  • Digital Work Instructions

    Increase productivity & efficiency.

  • Streamlined Training

    Accelerate new employee on-boarding & knowledge transfer.

  • Visual Guidebooks

    Intuitive to follow with images, videos, PDFs, etc.

  • Approval Process

    Guarantee your work instructions are always accurate.

  • Root-Cause Analysis

    Investigate data from every station on your line.

VKS in Action

To achieve its goal of becoming a lean manufacturer, Gerber Gear turned to the VKS digital work instructions. On top of increasing production and reducing waste, Gerber Gear now keeps four challenges at bay.

See How They Do It