Smart Forms

What Are Smart Forms?

Smart Forms enable companies to create interactive forms and checklists that integrate directly into your work instructions. To the rest of the world, Smart Forms are primarily a method of collecting data from workers on the shop floor. But to us here at VKS, Smart Forms can be used to do so much more.

Imagine a digital form that can collect data, send information to the appropriate people, and dynamically guide workers with the right steps at the right time. This technology enables manufacturers to achieve high levels of process control and versatility.

Key Takeaways

  • Paper forms are static and rigidly linear, but Smart Forms enable processes to be dynamic to current conditions.

  • A Smart Form is a digital tool that enables forms and checklists to be integrated into your work instructions.

  • This technology enables advanced process control through responsive actions based on operator and system inputs.

  • Use Smart Forms to autonomously generate reports, send/receive information, and dynamically guide workers.

  • Smart Forms can be programmed to appear at any point within the assembly and can be shared across multiple guidebooks.

Smart Forms Example

Imagine you are filling out physical medical paperwork and detailing your medical history. If you check off any of the boxes, you may need to shuffle through a few pages to find the right section to elaborate.

But with Smart Forms, when you check off a certain box or answer any question, the digital form will immediately lead you to the next appropriate section. This creates a streamlined and dynamic process that is responsive to the user. This has incredible implications for many industries that focus on accurate and fast data collection.

The Versatility and Dynamism of Smart Forms

Paper instructions and forms are static and linear. On the other hand, digital instructions and Smart Forms are incredibly versatile, enabling processes to be dynamic to the individual user and current production conditions. No matter the production or service, your circumstances will inevitably change; and organizations need to be flexible to the shifts in production and the market.

Smart Forms create processes that are responsive to the answers given by the operator and other systems. Imagine for a minute that one of your employees indicates that a specification number is out of range within the smart form. In response to this, our work instructions software will perform the following actions:

  • Display a message telling the operator what to do;
  • Send an email to the quality department;
  • Send the user back on step 1;
  • Open a second form asking the user to fill in nonconformance details.

With this capability, operators can focus on their work while their system takes care of the rest. Both management and workers can rest assured that the right information is being captured and shared with the right people.

Smart Forms can also be shared across multiple guidebooks or kept local to only one set of instructions. This enables companies to assure standardization for every similar procedure while also tailoring their Smart Forms for their specific and high-priority processes.

Lightbulb Pro Tip

Pro Tip

With dynamic and versatile Smart Forms, the time it takes to train new employees is significantly reduced. With Smart Forms, new operators only need to follow on-screen instructions and let the system guide them. Operators with less experience don’t need to make any manual decisions since all the appropriate actions are programmed into the system.

The 12 Smart Form Types

To help understand the capabilities of Smart Forms, here are the 12 most common types that users integrate into their work instruction guidebooks. Users can create custom-built Smart Forms or they can simply add onto one of the following form types.


This is the most versatile but least specific smart form type. It can be configured for many different purposes.


This form type can be used for general inquiries, process audits, inventory audits, etc. Use it for any checklist that you need.

Efficiency Check
Efficiency Check

Monitors productivity and track efficiency. Operators are prompted at a predetermined frequency to verify if the production schedule is on track.

Final Inspection
Final Inspection

Helps the operator verify that the job has been completed correctly. Operators can fill out the checklist to verify that all specifications have been met.

Job Cancellation:
Job Cancellation:

This form enables operators to quickly inform the right people when a work order has been canceled.

Non-Conformance Report (NCR)
Non-Conformance Report (NCR)

Operators fill out an NCR to immediately inform their superiors when production is not conforming to specifications.

Non-Conformance Resolution
Non-Conformance Resolution

Non-conformance resolutions enable operators to document the solution to an NCR.

Peer Inspection
Peer Inspection

Use this form to have peers review the work that is accomplished and sign off that the job was completed properly.

Pre-Production Inspection
Pre-Production Inspection

Use this smart form to ensure that every worker, system, and machine is starting the day on the right foot!

Production Information
Production Information

Use these forms to capture key performance data like work order numbers, total production time, and more.

Quantity Completed
Quantity Completed

Use this form to track how many units have been completed at the end of the day or once production is complete.


This smart form enables you to track multiple users working on the same job.

Lightbulb Pro Tip

Pro Tip

Did you know that Smart Forms can be automatically filled with little to no intervention from the operator? Just connect VKS Enterprise with your ERP (enterprise resource planning), MES (manufacturing execution system), or any other business platform. The appropriate Smart Forms will be filled in automatically by the system, further streamlining the process for the operator.

With VKS, every form type is built for a specific purpose. Based on your operation, you can create Smart Forms that suit your specific needs at any given moment during production.

Limitless Potential

The potential of Smart Forms is endless. With the ability to collect and relay data while guiding workers to the correct actions, Smart Forms enhance any procedure for any employee.

Your processes need to be as versatile as your business. Use Smart Forms and work instruction software to achieve dynamic standardization.

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